8 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe

[cadilarmekani], Life is Soooooooo Beautiful

Absolutely Awesome Pictures!


  Low clouds over a volcano 


This one takes a moment to figure out  


 Wonder what it's pointing to?


Luminescence is beautiful


It's nice to have friends!


The world going to sleep..


Very interesting patterns.


The world awakens.


 I want to live here.


 Do you have them in something smaller?


I would love to know how this happened.


How wonderful is this wildlife?


 Niagara Falls at night.




Beats a Beautyrest innersprings .


How Majestic! 


How austere!


Hope you remembered to fill the tank! 


 Winter in the Smokies.


 Safety note: Never go swimming alone


 Slippery when wet!    


Even on your darkest day there is a silver lining!


Now, that's a shower.


A dandelion covered with dew.


Put 'em up, go on, put 'em up !!


Just beautiful... 


Life Is SO Beautiful!!

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Birol Akkerman

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