24 Temmuz 2010 Cumartesi

[cadilarmekani], A Accayip Binalar 4

31. Graz Art Museum - Museum of Arts in Graz, Austria

32. Le Palais Ideal (Ideal Palace) in Hauterives, France. Built usual French postman Ferdinand Cheval enthusiast for 33 years (1879-1912).

33. Casa Battlo Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona

34. The National Stadium in Beijing

35. National Theatre in the same

36. Museum Ripley's Believe It or Not! near Niagara Falls in Canada

37. Palais bulles in Cannes

38. Experience music project. Seattle, USA

39. Back view

40. Skyscraper Gherkin building in London or cucumber

41. Banpo Bridge in Seoul, South Korea

42. Dynamic Tower in Dubai. Tower, whose every floor is moving on its own axis, independently of the others. The first building that can change its shape. Still under construction.

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Birol Akkerman

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