If you're craving something salty, don't reach for greasy potato chips. Here are 15 low-calorie healthy snacks that are sure to satisfy your salty desires.--
- Four-ounce snack-size container of low-fat cottage cheese: 81 calories, 459 mg of sodium
- Salted cashews (16 nuts): 147 calories, 77 mg of sodium
- One and a half cups of edamame in pods: 150 calories, 45 mg of sodium
- Two and a half cups of oil-popped popcorn: 138 calories, 243 mg of sodium
Continue reading to see 10 more salty snacks under 150 calories.
- A quarter of an avocado (80 calories, 4 mg of sodium) topped with one tablespoon salted sunflower seeds (47 calories, 33 mg of sodium): 127 calories, 37 mg of sodium
- Thirteen Food Should Taste Good Blue Corn Dipping Chips (130 calories, 93 mg of sodium) with two tablespoons of salsa (15 calories, 210 mg of sodium): 145 calories, 303 mg of sodium
- One slice of whole wheat bread (100 calories, 130 mg of sodium) smeared with one tablespoon of hummus (35 calories, 60 mg of sodium): 135 calories, 190 mg of sodium
- One ounce of Snyder's Organic Honey Wheat pretzels: 130 calories, 210 mg of sodium
- One Horizon Organic Mozzarella String Cheese Stick (80 calories, 170 mg of sodium) paired with 6 Kashi TLC Pita Chips (65 calories, 98 mg of sodium): 145 calories, 268 mg of sodium
- Salted almonds (22 nuts): 143 calories, 81 mg of sodium
- One Lundberg Organic Brown Rice Cake (70 calories, 55 mg of sodium) smeared with one ounce of garden vegetable cream cheese (82 calories, 146 mg of sodium): 152 calories, 201 mg of sodium
- One and a half cups of Pacific Organic Creamy Butternut Squash soup: 135 calories, 825 mg of sodium
- One slice of cheddar cheese (113 calories, 174 mg of sodium) paired with two Health Valley Organic Whole Wheat Crackers (35 calories, 85 mg of sodium): 148 calories, 259 mg of sodium
- 15 Whole Wheat Triscuit Thin Crisps (130 calories, 180 g of sodium) and four green olives (20 calories, 192 mg of sodium): 150 calories, 372 mg of sodium
- One ounce of Barbara's Bakery Baked Cheese Puffs: 150 calories, 200 mg of sodium
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